The Bethlehem Experience

About the Live Nativity

The Purpose.

The purpose of the Live Nativity is to bring the Christmas story to people from all around the country. We felt like the best way to do that is to make it an interpretive experience which one can be in the comfort of their own vehicle. Through the sights, sounds and even the smells we hope that the visitors will be taken back to ancient Bethlehem to experience the magic of Christmas.

The Timing

Why every other year? Well, for our Church this is a big production. Months of work are required for the 1-2 weekends the Live Nativity takes place. It would simply be more than we could handle. We also feel like if this production is put out every year, the message can become dull and it just wouldn’t make it as special as it is.

What to Expect.

God Almighty has truly blessed the makeup of our Church. Electricians, Builders, Artists and Makers of all kinds truly get a chance to show off their talent that the Lord has given them. They are able to use the talents given to them by Him to give something back. To spread the Word. What better way to do that then to create an absolutely beautiful production to honor the birth of Christ.

Every one is in a costume, and many building facades line the streets of Bethlehem. Expect to see a variety of animals such as cows, donkeys, chickens, sheep, and even camels! Once through the Roman guarded gates and past Caesar’s throne, cars make their way through Bethlehem to encounter the Inn Keeper’s famous words of their being no more room at the inn. Then, drive out of the city to see the shepherds tending the flocks and the Wise Men on their way to bring gifts to Christ. For the conclusion, a beautiful manger scene capturing the majesty of the moment that prophesy was fulfilled; The birth of the Savior.

Want to Make a Financial Contribution to the Live Nativity?

If you feel led to give financially towrds the Live Nativity Bethlehem Expirience, then please make your way to our give page in the Header. Once you follow the buttons to Tithley, you can earmark your contrabution as “nativity” using the dropdown menu titled “tithes and offerings.” We are truly greatful for all who give towards this production. You contrabution helps share the Christmas Story with the community in a beautiful and memorable way.