Upcoming Events and Meetings


Craft Fair, Bake Sale, Yard Sale, and Hot Dog Lunch

Craft Fair, Bake Sale, Yard Sale, and Hot Dog Lunch

On September the 14th (Sat) the church is planning to hold a craft fair, yard sale, bake sale, and a Hot Dog lunch. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer if you would like to sign up. Booths for selling items will be located within a single parking spot. Each parking space will cost $20.00. Please sign up to donate baked goods and food for the Lunch. All proceeds will go towards the Live Nativity.

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Ladies Luncheon

Ladies Luncheon

The Ladies will meet on Wednesday, August 28th at Mi Case Mexican Restaurant at 11:30 a.m. Please let Pat Davis Know if you are planning to attend so they can get a head count for the restaurant.

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Vacation Bible School
to Jul 13

Vacation Bible School

Our Vacation Bible School will be held on Friday, July 12th from 6 - 8 p.m. and on Saturday, July 13th from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. More information to come. Please consider volunteering as the church will need many.

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Ladies Luncheon

Ladies Luncheon

Our next Ladies Luncheon will be held at the church in the fellowship hall on Thursday, July 11th at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be pizza and salad. Please bring $7.00 To pay for your lunch. This is a great opportunity to get to know some of the other ladies in the church and fellowhip with one another.

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Ladies Luncheon

Ladies Luncheon

On Wednesday, June 26th, the ladies are planning another luncheon at Fat Buddies BBQ at 11:30 a.m. Please let Pat Davis know if you are planning to attend.

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Annual Church Camping Trip
to Jun 10

Annual Church Camping Trip

The Annual Church Camping trip is scheduled for June 6th through June 10th. Group Campsites A & B have been reserved for those dates. There will be a cookout on Saturday night, and we will have Church service at the campground on Sunday, June 9th. Stay tuned for details.

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Ladies Luncheon

Ladies Luncheon

On Thursday, May 23rd at 11:30 a.m. the Ladies of the church will be having a luncheon at SmokeStack Cafe. The address is 61 South Patton Avenue. Please pick up a flyer located on the foyer table for more details.

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Spring Potluck

Spring Potluck

On April the 28th, the church will be hosting a potluck dinner. Some of the dishes to expect include ramps, catfish, BBQ, pinto beans, potatoes, and of course desert. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer for dishes to bring.

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Night To Shine Fundraiser

Night To Shine Fundraiser

A Night To Shine Fundraiser will be held at Fat Buddies BBQ o Tuesday, January 30th from 11am until 9pm. A portion of the sales from that day will be donated to Night To Shine. We are also having a bake sale on the same day and at the same location. We would greatly appreciate donations of baked goods. If you would like to donate baked goods, please drop them off at Fat Buddies BBQ by 10:30 am on January 30th.

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"Treat Bags" for Shut-ins

"Treat Bags" for Shut-ins

We are asking for donations of items to fill our treat bags for shut-ins in our community. A list of suggested items is located in the foyer at the church. Please bring all items to the church by November 12th. We will assemble and deliver the bags on Wednesday November 15th at 6:00pm. If you know of someone who needs a bag of items, please add their name to the list.

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Fall Festival

Fall Festival

Everyone come out to the CBC fall festival! We plan to have a soup and chili dinner, along with desserts. Please check the connect table in the foyer for a sign up sheet for food items that are needed. More information to come

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Macon Baptist Association Meeting

Macon Baptist Association Meeting

Cartoogechaye Baptist will be hosting this quarters Macon County Baptist Association Meeting! It will be held on October 10th, which is a Tuesday. The church will be providing a meal at 5:15pm, and the meeting will begin at 6:30pm. We ask that church members provide side dishes and desserts. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting, but remember, only Messengers can vote during an Association meeting.

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