Young Adult Highlight: Moises Navarro

The Church recently supported Moises Navarro as he went with Campus Outreach to Garden City South Carolina for Leadership Project 2024. This is a discipleship training camp for college aged students to teach them practical skills related to ministry and discipleship. Moises wasa part of the Campus Outreach Ministry group at Western Carolina University for all 4 years of his schooling. While in Garden City, Moises participated in learning how to lead Bible Studies, learning skills to enhance his prayer life, and enhancing the way he reads the Bible, as well as participating in Beach Evangelism.

The church is proud to have supported Moises and is proud to help young adults efforts to grow in thier walk with Christ

Women’s Missionary Union (WMU)


Quilt Ministry

The most prominent aspect of the WMU at Cartoogechaye Baptist Church is the quilt ministry. A couple of meetings a month, and time spent at home on their own time, A group of women, sometimes with help from their husbands, have created a lasting legacy for the chuch in the form of beautiful quilts. The quilt ministry started in March of 2011 and has been going strong ever since. To date, the WMU has given out over 2,000 quilts.

These quilts are gifted and donated to pregnancy centers, cancers centers, nursing homes such as the Mtn. Valley Nursing Home, Grandview Manor, Franklin House, and Hermitage Nursing Home. Quilts are also given to staff at the nursing homes, health care staff, elderly in the church, babies and families, and to participants in the Night To Shine. The WMU has given quilts to people in many different states across the country and have even donated quilts to people in Romania.

Recently, the WMU has been gifted a special plaque to commemorate all the hard work and dedication the ladies have shown throughout the years. this plaque is on display in a hallway behind the Fellowship Hall. Next to the plaques, there are some quilts on display.


Other WMU Accomplishments

Quilts are not the only missions that the WMU have participated in. Below is a list of projects that the WMU have supported or been involved in since records began being kept in 2002. This information was provided by Hoppy Rogers.

  • Donating to orphanages abroad in places like the Philippines and Haiti

  • “Angel Food,” and other needs like medical bills, Christmas donations, and fuel bills for families in the community

  • Sent vitamins to Iraq and Honduras

  • Fruit baskets for elderly in the community

  • Supported County Mission Fairs and the Baptist Children’s Home

  • Bought Bibles, and gathered food donations for Local Care Net

  • Fed World Changers groups that visit Macon County

  • Supported Association Missions such as disaster relief in America and abroad in places like Honduras, Africa, and Japan

  • Sent money to buy chickens, goats and rabbits for poverty stricken village farms abroad


The Night To Shine

What is Night to Shine?

Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs, ages 14 and older, that has reached 56 different countries. It is sponsored by The Tim Tebow Foundation and locally hosted by Cartoogechaye Baptist and Discover Church. Each year on the Friday before Valentine’s Day, tens of thousands of people with special needs all over the world are celebrated as royalty – the way God sees them every day.

What happens on Prom Night?

Each of our guests receive the royal treatment, including prom attire and accessories, and hair and makeup services. When they arrive at the event, they are greeted by a cheering crowd and paparazzi as they walk the Red Carpet into the Venue. Once inside, each guest receives a corsage or boutonniere, can enjoy limousine rides, photo ops, shoeshines, and karaoke. They are served a catered meal and treated to a fun evening of dancing leading up to the moment when, after watching an inspirational video message from Tim Tebow, each guest is crowned King or Queen of the Prom. As they leave, each guest is also given a gift big.

Volunteer and Donation Opportunities

If you would like to volunteer at Night to Shine or make a donation, please contact us by email at:

All volunteers must fill out a volunteer registration form, background check form, and liability release form, and are required to attend one training session to be held in January and the volunteer meeting at the venue the night before the event.

Another way you can help is through donations of prom attire such as dresses of all sizes (especially plus sizes), men’s tuxes and suits, men’s white dress shirts and black dress pants of all sizes, ties, purses, jewelry, hair accessories, shoes (flats or low heels for ladies), as well as donations of supplies and services and monetary donations. (All dresses and tuxes donated are also available for any Macon County students to borrow during prom season.)

We’re also looking for Local Sponsors to help us make this a special night for our guests. We have several levels of Sponsorship available (Bronze-$100 donation, Silver-$250, Gold-$500, and Platinum-$1000). All Local Sponsors will receive special recognition such as being listed on our Facebook Group Page, mentioned whenever possible in the media/social media, listed on our guests gift bags, listed on a sign at all of our fundraisers and posted on a large sign at our prom event in February.

What a truly incredible and memorable night this is, not only for our guests but volunteers as well, and what a blessing it is to show God’s love through us. Night to Shine is a night for the churches to shine, the volunteers to shine, our honored guests to shine, and most importantly, God to shine!

For more information on attending as a guest, or volunteering at Franklin’s Night to Shine, join our Facebook Group Page: Night to Shine-Cartoogechaye Baptist/Discover Church-Franklin, NC or email: